16.08.2018 - Studies

Rise of the Dragon 4.0

by Agnieszka Gehringer, Norbert F. Tofall

By 2025, China is expected to become a technologically independent high-tech superpower. But what is the reaction to this plan? Keeping China economically small is neither legitimate nor wise and it will not succeed. An economically growing China is advantageous for the global economy if China recognizes the "Rule of Law" in its own interest.

The Chinese leadership has a plan. In 2015, the Chinese State Council adopted the "Made in China 2025" master plan. Accordingly, by 2025, China is expected to become a technologically independent high-tech superpower in all major industrial sectors worldwide. Chinese state-owned and private companies are therefore intensively developing mergers and acquisitions activities in high-tech sectors worldwide.

But what is the reaction to this plan? Keeping China economically small will not succeed and is neither legitimate nor wise. An economically growing China is advantageous for the global economy if China recognizes the "Rule of Law" (equal rights for all) in its own interest. Until this happens and unless a structural political change in China takes place, all that remains for the West is to defend its own interests, to come to terms with its own economic and political problems and to form a broad coalition for the observance of general and abstract rules in world trade and international relations. 

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