25.05.2016 - Studies

H2-2015: Wealth Prices across Euroland on the Rise

by Philipp Immenkötter

Despite the ECB’s expansive monetary policy consumer price inflation has remained low throughout the Euro zone. Against this, wealth prices have been on the rise.

In the fourth quarter of 2015, wealth prices in the Euro area rose by 4.7% from the same quarter of the preceding year. In contrast, consumer prices remained roughly unchanged (+0.2%).

The highest wealth price increases were recorded in Germany (+7.8%) and Austria (+7.3%). Greece experienced the strongest wealth prices deflation ( 4.5%).

Real estate prices are the most important determinant of wealth price developments. Their changes go from -5.5% in Greece up to +6.1% in Germany.

In 2015, the difference in wealth price developments between the northern and southern European countries was less pronounced than in the previous years.

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