01.12.2016 - Studies

H1-2016: The Disparity of Wealth Prices across the Euro Area

by Philipp Immenkötter

In the first and second quarter of 2016 wealth price in the Euro area rose by +0.5% and +0.7% from the same quarter of the preceding year. Despite a low price growth rate for the Euro area there is a wide and dynamic disparity between the countries.

The strongest decline in wealth prices was recorded in Greece (‑4.3 % in Q1 year over year) where price have been falling for 25 quarters in a row. Austria and Germany exhibit the highest wealth price inflation rates in the first half of 2016 with year over year price growth rate of up to +5.0 %. Wealth prices in Finland and France slightly decreased in the first half of 2016, which denotes a turning point as wealth prices were on the rise for the last six years in the two countries. In contrast to wealth price inflation, consumer price inflation is homogenous and low throughout the Euro area.

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